There is always work to be done through the tool library. Common options are outlined below, but the best way to get involved is to contact us directly at We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Attending Events

We host or co-host various events throughout the year. Our home page will always list our most recent events, while our calendar lists all scheduled events. RSVP if you’re able to, or just show up and introduce yourself in person!

Common events include Skill Shares, Social Nights, Work Days, and Porter County Recycyling’s Fix-It-Fairs. For Skill Shares, we host a speaker to walk us through a basic, ~1 hour long project that uses a skill. We do our best to provide any materials for our Skill Shares. Social Nights include bar trivia, board game nights, and anything else that lets us hang out and get to know each other. Work Days are an opportunity to put our skills to work on projects throughout the community. Fix-It Fairs are organized by Porter County Recycling, and more information can be found on their site.

Collaborating with Us

We enjoy collaborating with other organizations throughout the region. If you are a member of another organization and have a project you think we could help with, just reach out!

Donating Tools

We are not currently accepting tool donations, but will be soon! We will accept most tools that are in functional or repairable condition. We will not accept tools that pose an especially large liability (such as chainsaws) or that are unrepairable, but all others are welcome.

Donating Time

Do you have skills you’d like to share with the community? Let us know and we can schedule a Skill Share event!

Are you tech-literate? If so, our tech team can get you plugged into website maintenance, email outreach, and any other surprises as they come up!

Are you a people person? Why not be a community representative or help on-board new members!

Want to help steer the course of NWI Tool Library? Start attending the Organizing Committee meetings!

Joining the Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee makes the decisions for the Tool Library–big and small. You can find full information on our Governance page, but in short the Organizing Committee is a directly democratic body, operating on the principles of sociocracy. All members are encouraged to join the Organizing Committee, and no member’s voice is prioritized over any other’s. It may sound scary to join an Organzing Committee, but we strive to make it as welcoming and accessible as we can.